En este 25 de noviembre, les deseamos un muy feliz Día del Marino Mercante a toda la familia marítima argentina.
Y esta noche... ¡FIESTA!
Capitanes y Pilotos de Ultramar convencidos de sostener y acompañar el proyecto Marcos Castro Presidente 2018-2022
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viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011
viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011
Acuerdo para el intercambio de información relativo a la piratería.
En un esfuerzo más por contrarrestar el efecto de la piratería, se firmó un acuerdo entre los tres Centros para el Intercambio de Información. Les dejo la nota, en idioma inglés.
The piracy information-sharing infrastructure covering Asia and the Indian Ocean has been significantly enhanced with the signing today (11 November 2011) of an important agreement in Singapore.
The agreement, signed by the three Information Sharing Centres (ISCs) set up under the IMO-led Djibouti Code of Conduct and the Singapore-based ReCAAP ISC, establishes a set of standard operating procedures for communicating and exchanging piracy-related information and will result in a major expansion of the reporting area of such incidents.
Under the Djibouti Code of Conduct (The Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, signed in Djibouti on 29 January 2009), three ISCs have been established, in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, Mombasa, Kenya and Sana'a, Yemen.
The three ISCs were declared operational during the first half of 2011 and have since actively collected and disseminated piracy-related information. ReCAAP (The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia) entered into force on 4 September 2006 and established the ReCAAP ISC in Singapore.
The roles of the ReCAAP ISC include exchanging information among Contracting Parties on incidents of piracy and armed robbery, supporting the capacity-building efforts of Contracting Parties and facilitating cooperative arrangements.
The move to forge closer ties between the ISCs comes against the background of the continuing threat posed by piracy to maritime trade and the safe passage of ships through the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. Piracy attacks have been reported close to the western coast of India, a ReCAAP Contracting Party, and many ships with flag or crews from ReCAAP Contracting Parties are being affected. Pooling resources between Djibouti Code of Conduct and ReCAAP ISCs will ensure vital piracy information can be shared across as wide an area as possible.
Continued dialogue between the ISCs is fully supported by IMO, as part of its wider aim to promote closer cross-regional collaboration through sharing best practices, information exchange and capacity-building efforts.
Source: IMO
The piracy information-sharing infrastructure covering Asia and the Indian Ocean has been significantly enhanced with the signing today (11 November 2011) of an important agreement in Singapore.
The agreement, signed by the three Information Sharing Centres (ISCs) set up under the IMO-led Djibouti Code of Conduct and the Singapore-based ReCAAP ISC, establishes a set of standard operating procedures for communicating and exchanging piracy-related information and will result in a major expansion of the reporting area of such incidents.
Under the Djibouti Code of Conduct (The Code of Conduct concerning the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, signed in Djibouti on 29 January 2009), three ISCs have been established, in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania, Mombasa, Kenya and Sana'a, Yemen.
The three ISCs were declared operational during the first half of 2011 and have since actively collected and disseminated piracy-related information. ReCAAP (The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia) entered into force on 4 September 2006 and established the ReCAAP ISC in Singapore.
The roles of the ReCAAP ISC include exchanging information among Contracting Parties on incidents of piracy and armed robbery, supporting the capacity-building efforts of Contracting Parties and facilitating cooperative arrangements.
The move to forge closer ties between the ISCs comes against the background of the continuing threat posed by piracy to maritime trade and the safe passage of ships through the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. Piracy attacks have been reported close to the western coast of India, a ReCAAP Contracting Party, and many ships with flag or crews from ReCAAP Contracting Parties are being affected. Pooling resources between Djibouti Code of Conduct and ReCAAP ISCs will ensure vital piracy information can be shared across as wide an area as possible.
Continued dialogue between the ISCs is fully supported by IMO, as part of its wider aim to promote closer cross-regional collaboration through sharing best practices, information exchange and capacity-building efforts.
Source: IMO
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011
MARPOL Anexo VI, baja el límite de sulfuro admitido en combustible.
Se reducirá, a partir del 01-01-12, de 4.50% m/m a 3.50% m/m. Les dejo la nota completa, en idioma inglés.
On 1 January 2012, the MARPOL Annex VI global fuel sulphur limit for fuel oil will be reduced from 4.50% m/m to 3.50% m/m.From this date, ships using fuel with sulphur content greater than 3.50% m/m in MARPOL Annex VI signatory countries and their territories will be in violation of the said regulation, unless they are equipped with abatement technologies with proven capabilities for reducing SOx emissions to the required levels.
When ordering fuel oil which is not expected to be fully consumed before 1 January 2012, please consider specifying the maximum fuel sulphur limit at 3.50% m/m.
Please further note that from 1 August 2012, the North American Emission Control Area (ECA) will be enforced, joining the existing Baltic Sea and North Sea/English Channel ECAs. The maximum sulphur limit for bunkers used in the ECAs currently stands at 1.00% m/m.
Finally, when sailing in the European Union territories, fuel sulphur requirements specified in the EU Directive 2005/33/EC shall be applicable; for example, the use of fuel with maximum 0.1% sulphur content in EU Community Ports and inland waterways.
Source: DNVPS
viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011
Quiero sumar un respetuoso recuerdo al ex Presidente Nestor Kirchner a un año de su fallecimiento, seguramente serà recordado cada año, sin duda, ya la sociedad se expresò en ese sentido en las ùltimas elecciones, y de manera contundente, nosotros en particular, los Capitanes y Pilotos de Ultramar de la Marina Mercante, siempre vamos a recordar como dejamos, gracias a èl, de ser extranjeros en nuestros barcos y por ende en nuestra patria.
Josè Pereyra
Capitàn de Ultramar.
Josè Pereyra
Capitàn de Ultramar.
miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011
Ganó Cristina: homenaje a Néstor y marinos mercantes agradecidos
Ganó Cristina: homenaje a Néstor y marinos mercantes agradecidos
Mis pensamientos no reflejan necesariamente el de todos los marinos mercantes argentinos, pero sí sé que muchos sentimos lo mismo y pensamos en forma parecida.
Muchos hemos votado por la reelección de la señora Presidenta. Reconocemos que el dictado del decreto 1010/04 nos trajo la situación de PLENO EMPLEO que vivimos hoy en día en el sector y haberla votado es, también, un homenaje al Dr. Néstor Kirchner.
El pleno empleo, a su vez, fortalece a los sindicatos y en este círculo virtuoso, se fortalecen nuevamente los trabajadores. Y no sólo los trabajadores: los jubilados del sector también. Porque la Caja Compensadora de Jubilaciones y Pensiones del Centro de Capitanes de Ultramar y Oficiales de la Marina Mercante nos puede dar beneficios que no creo que sean superados por ninguna otra institución en nuestro país.
El pleno empleo, a su vez, fortalece a los sindicatos y en este círculo virtuoso, se fortalecen nuevamente los trabajadores. Y no sólo los trabajadores: los jubilados del sector también. Porque la Caja Compensadora de Jubilaciones y Pensiones del Centro de Capitanes de Ultramar y Oficiales de la Marina Mercante nos puede dar beneficios que no creo que sean superados por ninguna otra institución en nuestro país.
Porque votamos pensando en el bienestar de nuestras familias, sabemos que no nos hemos equivocado.
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011
Entra en vigor el STCW-F, para la pesca.
El Convenio sobre Formación y Titulación para el Personal de Buques Pesqueros (STCW-F/95) entrará en vigor el 29 de septiembre de 2012, tras haber alcanzado las 15 ratificaciones necesarias. Buenas noticias para nuestros colegas que trabajan en ese sector.
Les dejo, en idioma inglés, el informe de prensa de la OMI, y al final del texto, un link que contiene el texto de Convenio de referencia.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
For further information please contact:
Lee Adamson, Head, Public Information Services on 020 7587 3153 (media@imo.org )
Natasha Brown, External Relations Officer on 020 7587 3274 (media@imo.org ).
Les dejo, en idioma inglés, el informe de prensa de la OMI, y al final del texto, un link que contiene el texto de Convenio de referencia.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel, 1995 (STCW-F 1995) is set to enter into force on 29 September 2012, after the required 15 ratifications were reached on 29 September 2011, with ratification by the Republic of Palau.
The STCW-F Convention sets the certification and minimum training requirements for crews of seagoing fishing vessels of 24 metres in length and above. The Convention consists of 15 Articles and an annex containing technical regulations.
According to Article 12 of the Convention, it will enter into force 12 months after the date on which not less than 15 States have ratified it. The STCW-F Convention has now been ratified by: Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Kiribati, Latvia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Norway, Palau, the Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, Spain, the Syrian Arab Republic and Ukraine.
IMO Secretary-General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos welcomed the entry into force of the STCW-F Convention as a significant development to enhance safety at sea, coming as the Organization prepares to hold, in 2012, a diplomatic conference in South Africa for the purpose of adopting an Agreement on the implementation of IMO’s other instrument relating to fishing vessel safety, the 1993 Protocol relating to the 1977 Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels. That Agreement aims at facilitating the entry into force of the 1993 Protocol, which was adopted to amend the original Torremolinos Convention of 1977.
“The safety of fishermen and fishing vessels forms an integral part of the Organization’s mandate but the two instruments on fishing vessel safety, which have been adopted by the Organization, have not come into force due to a variety of technical and legal obstacles and unfortunately the fishing sector is still experiencing a large number of fatalities every year. Now, the entry into force of the STCW-F Convention, in 2012, and the ongoing work to bring into force the Torremolinos Protocol as a binding international safety regime, are expected to play a part in helping reverse that trend,” he said, expressing the wish that the Torremolinos Protocol would also meet entry force requirements as soon as possible.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Web site: www.imo.org
For further information please contact:
Lee Adamson, Head, Public Information Services on 020 7587 3153 (media@imo.org )
Natasha Brown, External Relations Officer on 020 7587 3274 (media@imo.org ).
jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011
Perón y la Marina Mercante.
Perón y la marina mercante
Queridos blogueros,
webeando, encontré este trabajo, cuyo link paso al pie de la presente, realizado por el Centro de Estudios Internacionales para el Desarrollo, llamado "Perón y la política marítima en la Argentina: la flota mercante del Estado, 1946-1955" bajo la autoría de Raimundo Siepe - Monserrat Llairó.
Les pido lo publiquen en el blog.
Leerlo moviliza. Hace ver que, siempre es posible HACER. Solo es necesario voluntad política. Perón la tuvo, hizo, y tuvimos esa flota. Luego, la "Revolución Fusiladora" se encargaría de mutilar el futuro de esa flota.
Y luego, aunque no abarcado por el trabajo en cuestión, llegó ELMA, YPF, etc. Pero también, después, vino la rrrata esa de los ´90 y liquidó todo por mandato norteño. Nuevamente, mutilado el futuro de la nueva flota y de miles de marinos mercantes.
Luego vino el Dr. Néstor Kirchner, y corrigió el rumbo.
Dios quiera que la Dra. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pueda, nuevamente en nuestra historia, ser la impulsora de una marina mercante moderna.
El consenso del sector privado será necesario. Y será necesario combatir a los nostálgicos del 1772/91, que los hay.
Dios quiera, tengamos una Ley de Marina Mercante, como El manda.
Pancho Quilla
Día Marítimo Mundial 2011 - Piratería: elaborando la respuesta.
Con relación al Día Marítimo Mundial, que la OMI conmemora con fecha de hoy, 29/09/11, les dejo dos artículos, uno en castellano y otro en idioma inglés.
Tema para el Día Maritimo Mundial de 2011 - Piratería: elaborando la respuesta

Logotipo oficial del Día Marítimo Mundial 2011
El Día Maritimo Mundial de 2011 se celebra este año durante la semana del 26 al 30 de septiembre y tendrá lugar en la sede de la Organización Marítima Internacional el jueves 29 de septiembre de 2011.
Se escogió este tema para el Día Marítimo Mundial de 2011 con el fin de permitir a la OMI no solo que concentre e intensifique sus esfuerzos en hacer frente a los desafíos de la piratería moderna, sino también para facilitar la elaboración de una respuesta mundial más amplia con el objetivo de erradicar el problema. En consecuencia, se intentarán lograr los siguientes objetivos durante este año:
- Incrementar la presión a nivel político para garantizar la liberación inmediata de todos los rehenessecuestrados por piratas - gente del mar, principalmente;
- Revisar y mejorar las orientaciones dirigidas a la industria y conseguir la plena conformidad de los barcos con todas las medidas preventivas, evasivas y defensivas recomendadas;
- Promover una ayuda más comprometida por parte de las armadas;
- Fomentar la coordinación y la cooperación contra la piratería entre los Estados, las regiones y las organizaciones;
- Fortalecer la capacidad de los Estados en regiones de todo el mundo infestadas de piratas, y en cualquier otro lugar, para disuadir, interceptar y someter a la justicia a aquellos que cometan actos de piratería y robo a mano armada contra los buques; e
- igual de importante, ofrecer asistencia a aquellos que han sido atacados o secuestrados por piratas y a sus familias.
World Maritime Day 2011 - "Piracy: orchestrating the response"
Briefing: September 29, 2011
Today (29 September 2011) marks the 34th celebration of World Maritime Day. This year’s theme is: "Piracy: orchestrating the response", a theme chosen by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to provide the international community and the shipping industry with an opportunity to highlight and reflect upon the efforts made to meet the challenges of modern-day piracy.
In his World Maritime Day message, IMO Secretary-General Efthimios E. Mitropoulos said that the United Nations, alliances (political and defence) of States, Governments acting collectively or individually, military forces, shipping companies, ship operators and ships’ crews, all had a crucial part to play in order to rid the world of the threat posed by piracy in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean.
“To alleviate this unacceptable situation, no effort should be spared. Shipping companies must ensure that their ships rigorously apply the IMO guidance and industry-developed Best Management Practices in their entirety, so that, when venturing into the western Indian Ocean region, they comply with all the recommended measures: no ship is invulnerable, in particular those with relatively low freeboards and slow steaming speeds. And Governments need to back up their oft-stated concern over the situation by deploying military and other resources commensurate, in numbers and technology, with the scale of the problem and with a realistic chance of dealing with it effectively,” Mr. Mitropoulos said.
“While IMO has positioned itself in the epicentre of the concerted efforts being made, it cannot alone supply an instant solution to the issue – particularly since, although piracy manifests itself at sea, the roots of the problem are to be found ashore. Nevertheless, through our action plan and other initiatives, and in collaboration with other interested parties, equally determined and committed as ourselves, we feel confident we will be able to make a difference where the problem is being most acutely felt – at sea,” he added.
Mr. Mitropoulos noted that some success in thwarting pirate attacks can already be claimed, as can be seen from the falling percentage of attacks that prove successful. “Nevertheless, as the statistics so bleakly indicate, piracy and armed robbery against ships remain real and ever-present dangers to those who use the seas for peaceful purposes. So long as pirates continue harassing shipping, hijacking ships and seafarers, we are neither proud of, nor content with, the results achieved so far,” he said.
Concluding his World Maritime Day message, Mr. Mitropoulos said: “More needs to be done, including the capture, prosecution and punishment of all those involved in piracy; the tracing of ransom money; and the confiscation of proceeds of crime derived from hijacked ships, if the ultimate goal of consigning piracy to the realms of history is to be achieved. We hope that our choice of the theme for 2011 will provide an appropriate rallying point around which all those who can make a difference can focus their efforts.
“In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with those seafarers, who, at present, are in the hands of pirates. May they all be released unharmed and returned to their families soon.”
“In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with those seafarers, who, at present, are in the hands of pirates. May they all be released unharmed and returned to their families soon.”
World Maritime Day Parallel Event in Italy
Italy is hosting the 2011 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event, with celebrations being held in Rome on 13 and 14 October 2011. The Parallel Event will focus on this year's World Maritime Day theme: "Piracy: orchestrating the response" and the first day will consist of a seminar, divided into two sessions. The first session will address “Anti-piracy Measures and Best Practices”, while the second will focus on “International Co-operation against Piracy”.
On the second day, various activities will take place around the Civitavecchia harbour.
Italy is hosting the 2011 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event, with celebrations being held in Rome on 13 and 14 October 2011. The Parallel Event will focus on this year's World Maritime Day theme: "Piracy: orchestrating the response" and the first day will consist of a seminar, divided into two sessions. The first session will address “Anti-piracy Measures and Best Practices”, while the second will focus on “International Co-operation against Piracy”.
On the second day, various activities will take place around the Civitavecchia harbour.
Parallel Event website: http://www.guardiacostiera.it/wmdpe2011/index.cfm
The event will be preceded by a regional meeting to discuss a draft memorandum of understanding on concerted procedures relating to the disembarkation of persons rescued at sea, many of whom turn out to be trafficked and undocumented migrants.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Web site: www.imo.org
For further information please contact:
Lee Adamson, Head, Public Information Services on 020 7587 3153 (media@imo.org )
Natasha Brown, External Relations Officer on 020 7587 3274 (media@imo.org ).
viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011
Internet abordo: cada vez más accesible.
Internet a bordo: cada vez más accesible.
Un interesante análisis (Guía de buenas prácticas...) realizado por la INTERTANKO, acerca de la instalación abordo de conexión a Internet. Pros y contras, según su punto de vista e información técnica muy útil para nos, los barqueros. Más allá de las opiniones, la realidad es que Internet es una vía de comunicación ya ineludible a instalar abordo.
¡A ver si se tientan nuestros queridos armadores!
Les dejo el artículo, .pdf en idioma ingles, en el siguiente link:
Se aceptan contribuciones al blog. Publicá tus opiniones y proponé artículos. Tirá preguntas. Hagamos crecer nuestro blog!.
Un interesante análisis (Guía de buenas prácticas...) realizado por la INTERTANKO, acerca de la instalación abordo de conexión a Internet. Pros y contras, según su punto de vista e información técnica muy útil para nos, los barqueros. Más allá de las opiniones, la realidad es que Internet es una vía de comunicación ya ineludible a instalar abordo.
¡A ver si se tientan nuestros queridos armadores!
Les dejo el artículo, .pdf en idioma ingles, en el siguiente link:
Se aceptan contribuciones al blog. Publicá tus opiniones y proponé artículos. Tirá preguntas. Hagamos crecer nuestro blog!.
martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Centro!
Los blogueros deseamos a nuestro Centro un muy feliz día, en este aniversario de su fundación.
Un fuerte abrazo y agradecimiento a todos aquellos que, día a día, trabajan para hacer un Centro más grande, para todos.
domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011
Sistema IALA. Nueva señalización: “NUEVO PELIGRO”. ¿Colores “canallas”, “bosteros” o “gallinas”? ¡Novedad profesional y polémica en el puente!
Sistema IALA. Nueva señalización: “NUEVO PELIGRO”. ¿Colores “canallas”, “bosteros” o “gallinas”? ¡Novedad profesional y polémica en el puente!
El AVISO A LOS NAVEGANTES publicado por el SHN, Folleto N° 3, del 1 de marzo de 2011 trajo la novedad y una particular polémica en el puente. Hubo quienes dijeron que Independiente ya tenía la suya, Banfield, Estudiantes, Newells, Colón. Otros lo politizaron: que el PRO y que Radicales, tenían sus marcas; pero no el peronismo.
Veamos la publicación:
“Los Nuevos Peligros” deben señalizarse adecuadamente utilizando señales Laterales, Cardinales, de Peligro Aislado o mediante el uso de una boya de Nuevos Peligros. Si la autoridad considera que el riesgo para la navegación es especialmente elevado, podrá duplicar al menos una de las señales.
Si, para este fin, se utiliza una señal lateral luminosa, la característica de la luz deberá ser VQ o Q.
Cada señal duplicada deberá ser idéntica a su compañera en todos los aspectos.
Puede estar señalado con un RACON con Código Morse “D” -..
Puede estar señalizado por otros medios electrónicos como en el caso de un sistema de identificación automática (SIA) como Ayuda a la Navegación (AtoN).
Las ayudas a la navegación virtuales pueden instalarse solas o junto con las Ayudas a la Navegación físicas.
La señal de nuevo peligro puede eliminarse cuando la autoridad competente considere que la información relacionada con el “Nuevo Peligro” ha sido suficientemente promulgada o que el peligro se ha resuelto.
Descripción de la Señales de Nuevos Peligros
Color: Franjas verticales azules / amarillas (mínimo 4 franjas, máximo 8 franjas)
Forma de la boya: castillete o espeque
Marca de tope (si hubiese) Cruz vertical / perpendicular amarilla
Luz: Des (2) c/3s
Color: amarilla / azul alternante
Ritmo: Luz azul 1s, ocultación 0,5s, luz amarilla 1s, ocultación 0,5s.”
Forma de la boya: castillete o espeque
Marca de tope (si hubiese) Cruz vertical / perpendicular amarilla
Luz: Des (2) c/3s
Color: amarilla / azul alternante
Ritmo: Luz azul 1s, ocultación 0,5s, luz amarilla 1s, ocultación 0,5s.”
Luego de leídas las características de la nueva señal establecida para el IALA – AISM MARITIME BUOYAGE SYSTEM, la discusión se puso entretenida. Con más provecho que un tool-meeting, la discusión dejó buenos resultados académicos a partir de la “futbolización” y posterior politización de los colores de la nueva marca y del sistema de boyado.
La conclusión fue que tenía más de canalla que otra cosa, aunque un bostero se regocijaba en la señal luminosa. Otro, más ácido, dijo que debería haber tenido una franja diagonal roja sobre un fondo blanco, “porque hasta la cruz vertical le quedaría bien…”.
La conclusión fue que tenía más de canalla que otra cosa, aunque un bostero se regocijaba en la señal luminosa. Otro, más ácido, dijo que debería haber tenido una franja diagonal roja sobre un fondo blanco, “porque hasta la cruz vertical le quedaría bien…”.
Luego se politizó: que el PRO tenía las cardinales, que señalaban un “punto” especialmente peligroso; que los radicales, aunque no había ninguno presente, las laterales rojas que en el IALA B estaban muy bien porque “entrando, están a la derecha”; - ¿y el peronismo? - se preguntaron… ¿qué color lleva? Y… fueron cambiando aseguró el más jovato, frunciendo la nariz. Y reflexionó para la monada joven: “en el peronismo encontrás de todo, los de más a la izquierda; los que están más a la izquierda de lo que quisieran; los “turcos” que se fueron más a la derecha de lo que decían y le decían; están todos los colores ¡el blanco debería ser!. Fijáte en la carta, que falta una milla para el waypoint… y en dos minutos tenés que poner la posición de las 1600”.
lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011
¿Por qué se ganó tan contundentemente? Aunque los opositores quieran enredar los argumentos fue clara la explicación de la señora Presidenta: “Es el triunfo de la gestión”. Y estamos totalmente de acuerdo. También lo está el sacerdote cordobés Guillermo Mariani cuyo listado de “logros alcanzados durante los ocho años de gestión kirchnerista” circula por internet. Son más de 100, seleccionaremos sólo algunos.
Recuperación del debate político.
Convocatoria a la militancia activa de los jóvenes.
Cancelación deuda con el FMI.
Contracumbre Alca (Mar del Plata, 2005).
Conducción de la Unasur.
Firma del código aduanero del Mercosur.
Presidencia del foro mundial G-77 más China. Argentina fue elegida por votación unánime.
Política estatal activa en relación con los DD.HH.
Depuración de la Corte Suprema automática y designación de una Corte Suprema de Justicia digna.
Ley de Matrimonio Igualitario.
Ley que penaliza la Trata de Personas.
No represión de la demanda social
Creación de los canales: Encuentro, Paka Paka, e Incaa TV.
6% del PBI para Educación.
Programa Conectar Igualdad: Distribución de 3.400.000 netbooks para estudiantes secundarios.
Creación de 1048 escuelas.
Desocupación: en 2003: 24,7%. En 2010: 7,4%.
Renegociación de la Deuda Externa, con quita del 70%.
Crecimiento económico sostenido (entre 8% y 10% anual).
Superávit fiscal.
Ley de suspensión de ejecuciones hipotecarias para viviendas únicas.
Eliminación de las Afjp.
Jubilación de Amas de Casa.
2.300.000 nuevos jubilados que tenían aportes parciales, hoy cobran la jubilación mientras cancelan su deuda previsional.
Asignación Universal por Hijo.
Plan federal de viviendas. Se entregaron 37.000 viviendas nuevas y se mejoraron más de 22.000. Se están construyendo más de 110.000 viviendas nuevas y unas 40.000 mejoras en marcha. Soluciones Habitacionales terminadas 565.903.
Creación del Ministerio de Seguridad y designación de Nilda Garré al frente del mismo.
Programa Remediar: entrega de medicamentos gratuitos a 15 millones de personas.
Plan Nacer: cobertura médica gratuita a embarazadas y niños de hasta 6 años.
Programa Raíces: Repatriación de 800 científicos (a los que Cavallo había mandado a lavar los platos).
Energía eólica. Construcción del Parque Eólico Ingentis, Prov. de Chubut.
Plan estratégico del sector nuclear. Comprende las aplicaciones de la tecnología nuclear a la salud pública y a la industria, entre otros usos.
Recuperación del debate político.
Convocatoria a la militancia activa de los jóvenes.
Cancelación deuda con el FMI.
Contracumbre Alca (Mar del Plata, 2005).
Conducción de la Unasur.
Firma del código aduanero del Mercosur.
Presidencia del foro mundial G-77 más China. Argentina fue elegida por votación unánime.
Política estatal activa en relación con los DD.HH.
Depuración de la Corte Suprema automática y designación de una Corte Suprema de Justicia digna.
Ley de Matrimonio Igualitario.
Ley que penaliza la Trata de Personas.
No represión de la demanda social
Creación de los canales: Encuentro, Paka Paka, e Incaa TV.
6% del PBI para Educación.
Programa Conectar Igualdad: Distribución de 3.400.000 netbooks para estudiantes secundarios.
Creación de 1048 escuelas.
Desocupación: en 2003: 24,7%. En 2010: 7,4%.
Renegociación de la Deuda Externa, con quita del 70%.
Crecimiento económico sostenido (entre 8% y 10% anual).
Superávit fiscal.
Ley de suspensión de ejecuciones hipotecarias para viviendas únicas.
Eliminación de las Afjp.
Jubilación de Amas de Casa.
2.300.000 nuevos jubilados que tenían aportes parciales, hoy cobran la jubilación mientras cancelan su deuda previsional.
Asignación Universal por Hijo.
Plan federal de viviendas. Se entregaron 37.000 viviendas nuevas y se mejoraron más de 22.000. Se están construyendo más de 110.000 viviendas nuevas y unas 40.000 mejoras en marcha. Soluciones Habitacionales terminadas 565.903.
Creación del Ministerio de Seguridad y designación de Nilda Garré al frente del mismo.
Programa Remediar: entrega de medicamentos gratuitos a 15 millones de personas.
Plan Nacer: cobertura médica gratuita a embarazadas y niños de hasta 6 años.
Programa Raíces: Repatriación de 800 científicos (a los que Cavallo había mandado a lavar los platos).
Energía eólica. Construcción del Parque Eólico Ingentis, Prov. de Chubut.
Plan estratégico del sector nuclear. Comprende las aplicaciones de la tecnología nuclear a la salud pública y a la industria, entre otros usos.
miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011
Binner visitó a Moyano
Así titulan la mayoría de los medios de comunicación la visita que realizara el precandidato presidencial Binner a la Confederación General del Trabajo, el actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Santa Fe la realizó a poco del cierre de la campaña electoral y previo a los comicios del 14 de agosto. ¿No era que que Moyano es un piantavotos?. Bueno, parece que no es tan así, y cuando de verdad se trata de llegar a la gente se empiezan a acordar de la clase trabajadora, lo que representa y su real valor en términos políticos y sociales, ojalá llegue el día en que luego de jurar cuando asumen los cargos sigan considerando al movimiento obrero y no solo lo visiten para las campañas, lamentablemente para los trabajadores al señor Binner lo acompaña como candidata a la vicepresidencia Morandini, quien votara desde su banca, sistemáticamente, en contra de todas las medidas, proyectos o leyes que han favorecido a la clase trabajadora. Es para pensar ¿no?.
El secretario General de la Confederación del Trabajo Hugo Moyano, mientras tanto participará del acto de cierre del Frente Para La Victoria.
más info: http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultimas/20-174185-2011-08-10.html
El secretario General de la Confederación del Trabajo Hugo Moyano, mientras tanto participará del acto de cierre del Frente Para La Victoria.
más info: http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultimas/20-174185-2011-08-10.html
Algunos pensamientos de cara a las elecciones, para la reflexión de los marinos mercantes argentinos. Por Pancho Quilla.
Algunos pensamientos de cara a las elecciones, para la reflexión de los marinos mercantes argentinos.
Por Pancho Quilla.
La proximidad de las elecciones nos lleva necesariamente a reflexionar acerca de nuestra decisión ante el cuarto oscuro. Porque no vamos allí sin saber de antemano a quién vamos a votar.
Todos tenemos una tendencia política que nos atraviesa en todos nuestros actos y pensamientos. Y nuestro voto seguramente, será para aquel candidato que entendemos representa más ajustadamente esa tendencia. Si ese candidato resulta electo, serán entonces sus actos políticos (ya fuera de nuestro control) los que, en devolución, atravesarán nuestra realidad, nuestro trabajo, nuestra economía y finalmente, nuestra familia, que es nuestro interés supremo.
Todos tenemos una tendencia política que nos atraviesa en todos nuestros actos y pensamientos. Y nuestro voto seguramente, será para aquel candidato que entendemos representa más ajustadamente esa tendencia. Si ese candidato resulta electo, serán entonces sus actos políticos (ya fuera de nuestro control) los que, en devolución, atravesarán nuestra realidad, nuestro trabajo, nuestra economía y finalmente, nuestra familia, que es nuestro interés supremo.
Y como vivimos y mantenemos nuestras familias navegando, éste debe ser nuestro punto de arranque para pensar a quién votar. Templar al calor de la realidad nuestro voto, es indispensable para no equivocarse. Interpretar esa realidad y traducirla en voto es muestra de que algo nos separa del mono.
Nuestro trabajo en el sector marítimo
Los marinos mercantes argentinos conocimos el sabor de la buena vida abordo, de una flota pujante, maravillosa, que se refleja en anécdotas de todo tipo; según nuestros mayores, esa vida profesional con “Liberties”, “Victories”, buques de pasaje, “Luchos”, patachos, estatales y privados, los de ELMA y los de YPF, etc., dejaba satisfacción por doquier. Eran Señores Capitanes y Oficiales. Dignos.
Luego conocimos, y esta historia es más reciente, el sabor amargo de una flota bajo Banderas de Conveniencia. Con menos anécdotas, y menos dignidad. No porque no seamos tan Señores como aquellos, sino porque aquel Gobierno, desde el Estado, se encargó de mutilarnos, de dejarnos sin trabajo y sin dignidad. Lista de Espera para Embarcar interminable, reparto de la miseria, carnereo; en fin, pelea de pobres contra pobres. Algunos intentaron algo en tierra; otros, y los pibes, a la pesca, que nos permitió descomprimir la acuciante situación laboral. Muchos, aún siguen allí, se arraigaron. Y el Centro de Capitanes piloteó y supo adaptarse a esa situación.
Y en excesivamente apretada y objetiva síntesis, en 2004 con el Decreto 1010, volvimos a tener un horizonte de esperanza. Después de treinta y un años, Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo. Recibo de haberes que sirve para el Banco. El Juez que atiende los despidos es argentino, está en Talcahuano 550, no en Liberia. La empresa, domicilio acá, en Argentina. Aporto a la jubilación, mejor o peor, dependerá del caso, pero ahora la tengo. Nuestras familias tuvieron nuevamente la posibilidad de pensar en algo mejor: volvimos a la BANDERA ARGENTINA, volvimos a ser trabajadores argentinos con tratamiento argentino.
Queda pendiente tener una Ley de Marina Mercante que regularice y nos de seguridad de que no volverá un decreto 1772 para pulverizarnos nuevamente a los trabajadores y que le de a empresas argentinas que quieran enarbolar nuestro pabellón (y, por supuesto, darme trabajo a mí que de eso vivo), la posibilidad de hacer negocios y ganar bien ganado lo suyo.
Solo fijarse la realidad laboral HOY es indicio suficiente de las consecuencias directísimas del dictado del decreto 1010/04. Tu teléfono suena bien seguido para ofrecerte trabajo… ¿hace cuánto que no mandás un currículum?.
Tener conciencia de clase no es motivo de vergüenza, somos trabajadores. Y esto que hemos vivido se llama justicia social, término que no es propiedad de ningún grupo en particular. Yo lo he vivido así.
Finalmente, digo que habrá que elegir lo que nos convenga como grupo y seguir exigiendo los cambios necesarios para tener el país que nos merecemos. VOTEMOS BIEN Y NOS IRA MEJOR.
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011
INFORME ESPECIAL Salario, costo laboral e inflación.
El establishment con sus economistas impulsa una campaña tendiente a sostener que el incremento salarial sería la principal causa del proceso inflacionario. Se busca asociar los aumentos salariales al estancamiento del empleo y a problemas de competitividad externa de algunos sectores productivos. El propósito central es convencer a los trabajadores de que sus luchas por lograr un mejor nivel de vida empeoran su situación porque generan inflación. Sin embargo, el costo laboral permaneció prácticamente estancado entre 2001 y 2010, mientras el sector empresario se apoderó prácticamente de la totalidad del incremento de la productividad, que se reflejó en la significativa expansión que experimentó su rentabilidad.
Nota completa: http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/suplementos/cash/17-5357-2011-08-07.html
El establishment con sus economistas impulsa una campaña tendiente a sostener que el incremento salarial sería la principal causa del proceso inflacionario. Se busca asociar los aumentos salariales al estancamiento del empleo y a problemas de competitividad externa de algunos sectores productivos. El propósito central es convencer a los trabajadores de que sus luchas por lograr un mejor nivel de vida empeoran su situación porque generan inflación. Sin embargo, el costo laboral permaneció prácticamente estancado entre 2001 y 2010, mientras el sector empresario se apoderó prácticamente de la totalidad del incremento de la productividad, que se reflejó en la significativa expansión que experimentó su rentabilidad.
Nota completa: http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/suplementos/cash/17-5357-2011-08-07.html
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011
Video explicativo de la mecánica de las próximas elecciones primarias:
sábado, 23 de julio de 2011
Egipto desentierra la segunda barca solar del faraón Keops
Tiene unos 4.500 años de antigüedad y estaba a tres metros de profundidad
Permanecía desmontada en un foso en la cara sur de la Gran Pirámide de Giza
Un navío similar fue hallado en 1954 a unos metros de la excavación actual
Ambos se exhibirán en el Museo Egipcio que se inaugurará en Giza en 2015
Mas Info:
Permanecía desmontada en un foso en la cara sur de la Gran Pirámide de Giza
Un navío similar fue hallado en 1954 a unos metros de la excavación actual
Ambos se exhibirán en el Museo Egipcio que se inaugurará en Giza en 2015
Mas Info:
lunes, 18 de julio de 2011
Avanza en el Congreso "el" proyecto que busca regular el mobbing en la Argentina
La Comisión de Legislación del Trabajo de la Cámara de Diputados emitió dictamen favorable a la iniciativa presentada por el legislador oficialista Héctor Recalde. La propuesta, que regula el acoso laboral y sexual, fue aprobada por unanimidad. Qué opinan los especialistas.
Màs informaciòn:
Màs informaciòn:
domingo, 17 de julio de 2011
En adhesión al “Día del Marino Mercante” se han organizado concursos de Literatura, de Poesía y de Fotografía, en los que pueden participar socios del Centro y afiliado a OSCOMM, allegados al quehacer marítimo, fluvial y portuario, personal de empresas de navegación y de agencias marítimas y amigos de la Institución.
Más información en http://www.capitanes.org.ar/contenido/noticias/paginas/121.shtml
Más información en http://www.capitanes.org.ar/contenido/noticias/paginas/121.shtml
viernes, 15 de julio de 2011
La OMI, cien años después del Titanic
En el marco del 106º período de sesiones del Consejo de la (OMI), del 27 de junio al 1 de julio, se decidió que el lema del Día Marítimo Mundial 2012 sea, “La OMI, cien años después del Titanic”, como testimonio de la evolución experimentada desde entonces, por la seguridad de la vida humana en las aguas.
Les dejo el texto completo, en idioma ingles, del comunicado de prensa de la OMI, al respecto.
The IMO Council has endorsed a proposal by IMO Secretary-General Efthimios Mitropoulos to adopt “IMO: One hundred years after the Titanic” as the World Maritime Day theme for 2012.
“The time has come for us to return to this Organization’s roots and raison d’être, i.e. safety of life at sea,” Mr. Mitropoulos said.

One of the consequences of the sinking, in 1912, of the Titanic, in which 1,503 people lost their lives, was the adoption, two years later, of the first International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (the SOLAS Convention). The 1914 version of the Convention was gradually superseded, respectively, by SOLAS 1929, SOLAS 1948, SOLAS 1960 (the first adopted under the auspices of IMO, then known as IMCO) and SOLAS 1974. SOLAS 1974 is still in force today, amended and updated many times.
Mr. Mitropoulos said the selection of the theme proposed would provide an opportunity to:
- take stock of improvements in maritime safety during the 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic;
- pay tribute to the memory of those, who lost their lives in the freezing waters of the North Atlantic on that fatal night of 14 April 1912;
- highlight that the sacrifice of so many of the Titanic (passengers and crew) has not gone in vain;
- examine whether the lessons drawn from amongst the most costly (in human lives lost) accidents of the last 100 years have been learnt to the full;
- examine the safety record of shipping and identify those areas that have contributed the most to its improvement over the years;
- identify the most contributory factors (systems, concepts, mechanisms, etc) in the quest for ever-enhanced safety in shipping;
- examine which areas, within the overall spectrum of maritime safety (constructional, operational, cargo, human element, etc.), should be given priority consideration in the years to come; and
- pay tribute to all those who, in the course of the 100 years, have contributed to improvements in maritime safety.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
sábado, 25 de junio de 2011
Piratería: 62 marinos mercantes muertos y más de 3500 victimizados en los últimos cuatro años
Un cable de la Agencia de Noticias Reuters, basado en una entrevista con la organización SOS, revela que ya fueron asesinados 62 marinos mercantes y más de 3500 fueron víctimas de la piratería en los últimos cuatro años. El tema, es de revisión en las Reuniones de Comisión Directiva del Centro de Capitanes. Les dejo la nota completa, en idioma inglés.
(Reuters) - The number of seafarers killed due to Somali piracy has escalated in the past four years with 62 merchant sailors losing their lives through torture, execution, suicide and malnutrition, campaigners said on Monday.
Somali gangs, who are making millions of dollars in ransoms, are becoming increasingly violent, and are able to stay out at sea for long periods and in all weather conditions using captured merchant vessels as mother ships.
"62 seafarers have died in the past four years as a direct result of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, through deliberate murder by pirates, suicide during the period of captivity, death from malnutrition and disease, death by drowning, or heart failure just after the hijacking," said SOS SaveOurSeafarers.
SOS said two seamen were killed in 2007 as a result of pirate attacks, adding that piracy had worsened since then.
Overstretched international navies have proved unable to contain the raids in the Indian Ocean due to the vast distances involved in a crisis costing world trade billions of dollars a year.
"It is government inaction that has allowed piracy to spiral out of control in this area," said SOS, which is backed by the shipping and marine insurance organisations and a major workers' union. "It's time to stop this outrage. It's time for governments to take action."
SOS said during the four-year period, more than 3,500 seafarers had been kidnapped and held hostage by pirate gangs, who have used them as human shields and forced crew members to operate vessels as mother ships.
"Hundreds of these seafarers have been subjected to horrific torture including being hung by the ankles over the side of the ship, being shut in the ship's freezer room, having cable ties tightened round the genitals, being beaten, punched and kicked," said SOS chairman Giles Heimann.
"Many of these seafarers remain traumatised and unable to return to their seafaring careers long after the hijack is over, if at all."
Dipendra Rathore, a 22 year-old Indian deck cadet who had been held hostage for eight months on board the Merida Marguerite vessel, said he was determined to return to sea.
"At my age you can still bear pain -… watching people twice my age being tortured, crying and begging for help is what really measured me," he said.
"I felt so bad for them but I could do nothing about it, except for praying." (Reporting by Jonathan Saul)
lunes, 20 de junio de 2011
Sinceridad paraguaya en el Río Paraná.
Con relación a la Red Troncal Paraná-Paraguay (mal llamada "hidrovía") solemos leer y escuchar de las "asimetrías", de los "problemas sindicales", y otros tantos temas que hacen a la problemática del sector fluvial. Este artículo publicado hoy, 20 de junio de 2011en el diario ABC Color, pone una mirada bastante crítica y objetiva de la cuestión de fondo del problema que Paraguay padece en la navegación de la red. Un buen análisis, a mi entender, por lo cual les dejo el hipervínculo para su lectura: http://www.abc.com.py/nota/en-drama-de-los-contenedores-quien-es-culpable-de-problemas-actuales/
martes, 31 de mayo de 2011
XVIII Jornadas Profesionales, en el Centro.
Los días lunes 6 y martes 7 de junio se realizarán las XVIII Jornadas Profesionales, en el Centro de Capitanes.
Se tratarán los temas de implementación del Código ISM en buques pesqueros; legislación de riesgos del trabajo; el Decreto 1010/04 - a cargo del Capitán de Ultramar Sergio Dorrego-; y control y gestión de las aguas de lastre de los buques.
Les dejo un link al sitio del Centro, para mayor información: http://www.capitanes.org.ar/contenido/noticias/paginas/119.shtml
Se tratarán los temas de implementación del Código ISM en buques pesqueros; legislación de riesgos del trabajo; el Decreto 1010/04 - a cargo del Capitán de Ultramar Sergio Dorrego-; y control y gestión de las aguas de lastre de los buques.
Les dejo un link al sitio del Centro, para mayor información: http://www.capitanes.org.ar/contenido/noticias/paginas/119.shtml
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011
Resoluciones del Comité de Seguridad Marítima (MSC) de la OMI
Del 11 al 20 de mayo se reunió el MSC, en Londres. Entre los temas tratados, y conforme lo informado por el Pesidente del Centro de Capitanes, estuvo la posibilidad de llevar personal armado abordo de los buques que transitan por Zonas de Alto Riesgo que pudieran sufrir ataques de piratería. En este sentido, se aprobaron Circulares Guía para armadores, operadores y capitanes acerca del uso de personal armado.
También se aprobaron enmiendas al SOLAS, en lo relativo a los ganchos de los botes salvavidas entre otros temas de agenda.
También se aprobaron enmiendas al SOLAS, en lo relativo a los ganchos de los botes salvavidas entre otros temas de agenda.
Les dejo el texto, en idioma inglés, del resumen de lo tratado en la reunión.
IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), which met at the Organization's London Headquarters for its 89th session from 11 to 20 May 2011, completed a packed agenda, including the development of interim guidance on the employment of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships transiting the high-risk piracy area, the adoption of amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) concerning lifeboat release hooks, an agreement on the way forward with regard to the implementation of the
Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety and the approval of a number of draft resolutions for submission to the IMO Assembly, to be held in November 2011.
Piracy and armed robbery against ships
Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety and the approval of a number of draft resolutions for submission to the IMO Assembly, to be held in November 2011.
Piracy and armed robbery against ships
The meeting approved MSC Circulars on Interim Guidance to shipowners, ship operators, and shipmasters on the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships when transiting the High Risk Area, and Interim recommendations for flag States on the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships when transiting the High Risk Area. These interim Circulars provide considerations on the use of privately contracted armed security personnel if and when a flag State determines that such a measure would be appropriate and lawful. They are not intended to endorse or institutionalize their use and do not represent any change of policy by the Organization in this regard.
The MSC also approved Guidelines to assist in the investigation of the crimes of piracy and armed robbery against ships, and adopted a resolution on the Implementation of Best Management Practice Guidance. (See Briefing 27/2011 http://www.imo.org/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/27-MSC-89-piracy.aspx)
Adoption of SOLAS amendments – lifeboat release mechanisms
The MSC also approved Guidelines to assist in the investigation of the crimes of piracy and armed robbery against ships, and adopted a resolution on the Implementation of Best Management Practice Guidance. (See Briefing 27/2011 http://www.imo.org/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/27-MSC-89-piracy.aspx)
Adoption of SOLAS amendments – lifeboat release mechanisms
The MSC adopted a new paragraph 5 of SOLAS regulation III/1 to require lifeboat on-load release mechanisms not complying with new International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code requirements to be replaced no later than the first scheduled dry-docking of the ship after 1 July 2014 but, in any case, not later than 1 July 2019.
The SOLAS amendment, which is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013, is intended to establish new, stricter, safety standards for lifeboat release and retrieval systems, aimed at preventing accidents during lifeboat launching, and will require the assessment and possible replacement of a large number of lifeboat release hooks.
The Committee also adopted Guidelines for evaluation of and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems and related amendments to the LSA Code and associated amendments to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)).
Member governments were encouraged to initiate, at the earliest opportunity, approval processes for new on-load release and retrieval systems that comply with the amendments to the LSA Code.
Implementation of the Torremolinos fishing vessel safety Protocol
The SOLAS amendment, which is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2013, is intended to establish new, stricter, safety standards for lifeboat release and retrieval systems, aimed at preventing accidents during lifeboat launching, and will require the assessment and possible replacement of a large number of lifeboat release hooks.
The Committee also adopted Guidelines for evaluation of and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems and related amendments to the LSA Code and associated amendments to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)).
Member governments were encouraged to initiate, at the earliest opportunity, approval processes for new on-load release and retrieval systems that comply with the amendments to the LSA Code.
Implementation of the Torremolinos fishing vessel safety Protocol
The MSC agreed a draft Agreement on the Implementation of the 1993 Protocol relating to the 1977 Torremolinos Convention on the Safety of Fishing Vessels, aimed at achieving the entry into force of the technical provisions of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety. The Committee also agreed draft amendments to the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, which would be attached to the Agreement, to facilitate the adoption of the Agreement.
Following this, countries could consider implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement (countries should give effect to the provisions of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms of the Agreement, when they deposit an instrument of ratification). The Agreement would be a new, legally binding, instrument, offering a firm foundation to implement the amended provisions of the Torremolinos Protocol.
The MSC agreed to recommend several options to the IMO Council, so that the draft agreement could be adopted at the IMO Assembly in November 2011, or by a diplomatic conference in 2012.
Future work to implement goal-based standards to be considered
Following this, countries could consider implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement (countries should give effect to the provisions of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms of the Agreement, when they deposit an instrument of ratification). The Agreement would be a new, legally binding, instrument, offering a firm foundation to implement the amended provisions of the Torremolinos Protocol.
The MSC agreed to recommend several options to the IMO Council, so that the draft agreement could be adopted at the IMO Assembly in November 2011, or by a diplomatic conference in 2012.
Future work to implement goal-based standards to be considered
The MSC was updated on progress made with the implementation of the International Goal-based Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, which were adopted at its 87th session, along with the associated amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 making their application mandatory, as well as verification guidelines and the ship construction file.
The MSC approved Generic guidelines for developing goal-based standards and agreed how the work on GBS should be progressed. The Committee also discussed its future work in the matter, including developing the safety level approach (SLA) in goal-based standards.
LRIT status updated
The MSC approved Generic guidelines for developing goal-based standards and agreed how the work on GBS should be progressed. The Committee also discussed its future work in the matter, including developing the safety level approach (SLA) in goal-based standards.
LRIT status updated
The MSC was updated on developments in relation to the establishment and testing of LRIT Data Centres (DCs) and the operation of the LRIT system since its last session, including the results of the first modification testing phase and the operation of an Information Distribution Facility (IDF) for the provision of flag State LRIT information to security forces operating in waters off the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean.
The MSC agreed that the transfer of operations of the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) from the temporary facility in the United States to the facility at the European Maritime Safety Agency in Lisbon, Portugal, should be conducted before 31 December 2011.
The MSC also reviewed the performance review and audit reports of the IDE and DCs submitted by the International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO), as the LRIT coordinator, together with its findings and recommendations; and issues concerning the long-term operational and financial viability of the LRIT system.
Implementation of mandatory IMO audit scheme
The MSC agreed that the transfer of operations of the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) from the temporary facility in the United States to the facility at the European Maritime Safety Agency in Lisbon, Portugal, should be conducted before 31 December 2011.
The MSC also reviewed the performance review and audit reports of the IDE and DCs submitted by the International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO), as the LRIT coordinator, together with its findings and recommendations; and issues concerning the long-term operational and financial viability of the LRIT system.
Implementation of mandatory IMO audit scheme
Following significant progress made by the Sub-Committee on Flag State Implementation (FSI) towards making the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme mandatory, the MSC approved the proposed draft IMO Instruments Implementation Code (IIIC), which would be the proposed new title for the mandatory version of the current Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments, 2011. The draft IMO Instruments Implementation Code will also be forwarded for consideration and approval by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), and then to the Assembly, for adoption at an appropriate future session.
Draft Assembly resolutions approved
Draft Assembly resolutions approved
The MSC approved, for submission to the IMO Assembly in November 2011:
• the draft Revised Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships;
• the new draft International Code on Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code);
• draft amendments to the International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966, to shift the Winter Seasonal Zone off the southern tip of Africa further southward by 50 miles;
• the draft Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), revising and updating the original code adopted in 1973;
• the draft IMO/World Metereological Organization (WMO) Worldwide Met-ocean information and warning service guidance document;
• the draft Revised procedures for Port State Control, 2011;
• the draft revised Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2011, which include references to relevant amendments to statutory instruments entering into force up to and including 31 December 2011; and
• the draft revised and updated (non-mandatory) Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments, 2011, to include the requirements deriving from amendments to relevant IMO mandatory instruments that will enter into force up to and including 1 July 2012.
Other issues
• the draft Revised Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships;
• the new draft International Code on Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code);
• draft amendments to the International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966, to shift the Winter Seasonal Zone off the southern tip of Africa further southward by 50 miles;
• the draft Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), revising and updating the original code adopted in 1973;
• the draft IMO/World Metereological Organization (WMO) Worldwide Met-ocean information and warning service guidance document;
• the draft Revised procedures for Port State Control, 2011;
• the draft revised Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2011, which include references to relevant amendments to statutory instruments entering into force up to and including 31 December 2011; and
• the draft revised and updated (non-mandatory) Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments, 2011, to include the requirements deriving from amendments to relevant IMO mandatory instruments that will enter into force up to and including 1 July 2012.
Other issues
In connection with other issues arising from the reports of IMO Sub-Committees and other bodies, the MSC:
• Adopted amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), to revise individual schedules for a number of cargoes;
• Adopted amendments to Part B of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) relating to application of the 2009 MODU Code for Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU Code);
• Approved Guidelines on tank entry for tankers using nitrogen as an inerting medium;
• Approved the IMO User Guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code; and
• Approved amendments to update the IMO/International Labour Organization (ILO)/ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (CTUs), to be forwarded to ILO and the UNECE for concurrent endorsement.
• Adopted amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), to revise individual schedules for a number of cargoes;
• Adopted amendments to Part B of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) relating to application of the 2009 MODU Code for Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU Code);
• Approved Guidelines on tank entry for tankers using nitrogen as an inerting medium;
• Approved the IMO User Guide to SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code; and
• Approved amendments to update the IMO/International Labour Organization (ILO)/ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (CTUs), to be forwarded to ILO and the UNECE for concurrent endorsement.
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
Falleció Juan Manuel Palacios.
Desde este espacio, rendimos nuestro homenaje y recordamos a un gran luchador por los derechos de los trabajadores , el "Bocha" Palacios.
El ex secretario general de la Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA) Juan Manuel Palacios murió al volcar la camioneta en la que se movilizaba junto al abogado del gremio, Walter Caratoli, quien resultó gravemente herido, en la localidad bonaerense de Roque Pérez, informaron fuentes policiales.
El accidente ocurrió a la 10.30 del 20 de mayo, en el kilómetro 138 de la ruta nacional 205 cuando la todoterreno Mercedes Benz conducida por Caratoli volcó en una curva.
El dirigente sindical y el abogado se dirigían desde Saladillo a Roque Pérez y, aparentemente, el accidente se produjo cuando el conductor mordió la banquina y perdió el control de la camioneta, que dio varios tumbos y quedó volcada sobre un costado de la ruta.
Fuentes policiales señalaron que tanto Palacios (65 años) como el conductor salieron despedidos del vehículo, presuntamente porque viajaban sin los cinturones de seguridad.
A causa de los fuertes golpes sufridos, el sindicalista murió en el acto, en tanto que el letrado de UTA resultó con politraumatismo y la fractura en uno de sus brazos, por lo que fue internado de inmediato en el hospital local.
El principal Ignacio Mancinelli, de los bomberos de Roque Pérez, detalló que la Mercedes Benz quedó “sobre la banquina, volcada, y encontramos los dos cuerpos fuera de ella”.
Mancinelli dijo que Palacios fue hallado muerto y que el abogado “estaba consciente pero no recordaba nada, ni con quién viajaba”.
“Estaba muy nervioso, tenía heridas múltiples, entre otras una fractura de un brazo, y estaba siendo atendido por una médica de la ciudad de Saladillo que viajaba por Roque Pérez. Ella fue la que brindó la primera atención”, amplió el responsable de los bomberos.
Fuentes gremiales destacaron que el cuerpo de Palacios quedó en la morgue del hospital de Roque Pérez mientras que el abogado del gremio será trasladado al hospital Italiano de la ciudad de La Plata.
“El Bocha” Palacios, al frente de la UTA, representó durante 22 años a los choferes de colectivo y a los trabajadores de subte y, junto al actual secretario general de la CGT, Hugo Moyano, fue uno de los fundadores del Movimiento de Trabajadores Argentinos (MTA).
Este movimiento, integrado por un grupo de importantes gremios, entre los que estaban el de los taxistas de Omar Viviani y el de los judiciales de Julio Piumato, surgió en la década del 90 para enfrentar al modelo sindical de entonces, diseñado por el gobierno de Carlos Menem.
En 2004, durante un congreso extraordinario Palacios asumió la conducción de la Confederación Argentina de Trabajadores del Transporte (Catt), cargo que ocupó durante cuatro años hasta que fue reemplazado por Viviani.
Al año siguiente Palacios logró concretar el acto final de la lucha iniciada por el MTA para imponer un sindicalismo peronista con la asunción de Moyano en la conducción de la CGT, a quien acompañó desde la secretaria de prensa.
A pesar de la amistad que lo unía con Moyano y con la mayoría de los dirigentes que integran el actual consejo directivo de la CGT, el ahora fallecido sindicalista decidió terminar su carrera gremial en 2006, cuando entregó la conducción de la UTA al actual secretario general, Roberto Fernández.
Entonces, Palacios consideró en declaraciones periodísticas que su alejamiento se debía sólo a que estaba “en edad” de jubilarse, porque “tiene que empezar la renovación y hay que oxigenar las conducciones”.
“Mi decisión de no presentarme estaba definida desde casi un año e incluso conversada con los compañeros” afirmó Palacios. (Télam)
martes, 10 de mayo de 2011
Politica y Sindicalismo: Diálogo Social y participación en las Ganancias
Les paso un interesante artículo de autoría del Dr. Carlos Marín, especialista en Derecho Sindical. Politica y Sindicalismo: Diálogo Social y participación en las Ganancias.
Piratería, dispositivos de liberación de botes salvavidas, Torremolinos y otros temas en la reunión del Comité de Seguridad Marítima de la OMI
La piratería se incrementó en más de un 20% entre 2009 y 2011, dejando como saldo dos tripulantes muertos, y está llegando a Sud América. Accidentes que se cobran vidas durante zafarranchos y arriado de botes salvavidas hacen necesario actualizar las normas. Enmiendas al Convenio de Torremolinos relativas a la seguridad en buques pesqueros y los avances en la implementación del Sistema de Identificación de Largo Alcance (LRIT). Estos, son algunos de los temas que abordará el Comité de Seguridad Marítima de la OMI en la reunión que se realizará en Londres, del 11 al 20 de mayo de 2011.
Les dejo una nota, en idioma inglés, para más información.
Fuente: OMI.
Fuente: OMI.
Piracy and armed robbery against ships off the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden and the wider Indian Ocean will be high on the agenda when IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) meets at the Organization's London Headquarters for its 89th session from 11 to 20 May 2011.
The busy agenda also includes adoption of amendments, concerning lifeboat release hooks, to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and work related to the implementation of the Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety, as well as goal-based standards for vessel construction and the long-range identification and tracking of ships. The MSC will also consider the approval of a number of draft resolutions for submission to the IMO Assembly, to be held in late 2011.
Piracy and armed robbery against ships to be discussed
The MSC is expected to discuss the development of guidance on the employment of private, armed security service providers on board ships; measures to improve compliance with the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and in the Arabian Sea area; and proposed guidelines to assist in the collection of evidence after a hijack.
The number of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships reported to the Organization and which occurred in 2010 was 489, against 406 during the previous year, representing an increase of 20.4% from the figure for 2009. The areas most affected (i.e. five incidents reported or more) in 2010 were East Africa and the Indian Ocean followed by the Far East and, in particular, the South China Sea, West Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
During the year, it was reported that two crew members were killed and 30 crew members were reportedly injured/assaulted, while 1,027 crew members were reportedly taken hostage or kidnapped. Fifty-seven vessels were reportedly hijacked, with one vessel reportedly still unaccounted for.
Adoption of SOLAS amendments – lifeboat release mechanisms
The MSC will be invited to consider, for adoption, a proposed new paragraph 5 of SOLAS regulation III/1 which would require lifeboat on-load release mechanisms not complying with new International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code requirements, to be replaced no later than the first scheduled dry-docking of the ship after 1 July 2014 but, in any case, not later than 1 July 2019.
The SOLAS amendment is intended to establish new, stricter, safety standards for lifeboat release and retrieval systems, aimed at preventing accidents during lifeboat launching, and will require the assessment and possible replacement of a large number of lifeboats release hooks.
The Committee will also be invited to adopt draft Guidelines for evaluation of and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems and related amendments to the LSA Code which, along with the proposed draft SOLAS amendment, had been referred back to an intersessional working group which reported to the 55th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment (DE) held in March. The MSC will also consider associated amendments to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)).
Implementation of the Torremolinos fishing vessel safety Protocol
The MSC will consider two options aimed at achieving the entry into force of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety, which were agreed by the Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels’ Safety (SLF), when it met for its 53rd session in January. The Committee will also consider draft amendments to update the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, developed by SLF.
The SLF Sub-Committee noted a clear indication from delegations to recommend that the preferred option would be for the adoption of the proposed draft Agreement on the implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, which would include amendments to certain requirements of the Protocol. Following this, countries could consider implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement (countries should give effect to the provisions of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms of the Agreement, when they deposit an instrument of ratification). The Agreement would be a new legally binding instrument, offering a firm foundation to implement the amended Torremolinos Protocol.
The second option for achieving entry into force of the Protocol would be an Assembly resolution on the implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, under which Parties would be able to implement the necessary amendments immediately after the entry into force of the current Torremolinos Protocol, even before the formal adoption of the amendments.
Following the decision of the MSC 89, the final instrument(s) could be adopted at the Assembly, in late 2011, or by a diplomatic conference.
Future work to implement goal-based standards to be considered
The MSC will monitor the progress made with the implementation of the International Goal-based Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, which were adopted at its 87th session, along with the associated amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 making their application mandatory, as well as verification guidelines and the ship construction file. The Committee will also discuss its future work in the matter, including the completion of generic guidelines for developing goal-based standards.
LRIT status to be updated
The busy agenda also includes adoption of amendments, concerning lifeboat release hooks, to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and work related to the implementation of the Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety, as well as goal-based standards for vessel construction and the long-range identification and tracking of ships. The MSC will also consider the approval of a number of draft resolutions for submission to the IMO Assembly, to be held in late 2011.
Piracy and armed robbery against ships to be discussed
The MSC is expected to discuss the development of guidance on the employment of private, armed security service providers on board ships; measures to improve compliance with the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and in the Arabian Sea area; and proposed guidelines to assist in the collection of evidence after a hijack.
The number of acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships reported to the Organization and which occurred in 2010 was 489, against 406 during the previous year, representing an increase of 20.4% from the figure for 2009. The areas most affected (i.e. five incidents reported or more) in 2010 were East Africa and the Indian Ocean followed by the Far East and, in particular, the South China Sea, West Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
During the year, it was reported that two crew members were killed and 30 crew members were reportedly injured/assaulted, while 1,027 crew members were reportedly taken hostage or kidnapped. Fifty-seven vessels were reportedly hijacked, with one vessel reportedly still unaccounted for.
Adoption of SOLAS amendments – lifeboat release mechanisms
The MSC will be invited to consider, for adoption, a proposed new paragraph 5 of SOLAS regulation III/1 which would require lifeboat on-load release mechanisms not complying with new International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code requirements, to be replaced no later than the first scheduled dry-docking of the ship after 1 July 2014 but, in any case, not later than 1 July 2019.
The SOLAS amendment is intended to establish new, stricter, safety standards for lifeboat release and retrieval systems, aimed at preventing accidents during lifeboat launching, and will require the assessment and possible replacement of a large number of lifeboats release hooks.
The Committee will also be invited to adopt draft Guidelines for evaluation of and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems and related amendments to the LSA Code which, along with the proposed draft SOLAS amendment, had been referred back to an intersessional working group which reported to the 55th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment (DE) held in March. The MSC will also consider associated amendments to the Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances (resolution MSC.81(70)).
Implementation of the Torremolinos fishing vessel safety Protocol
The MSC will consider two options aimed at achieving the entry into force of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol on fishing vessel safety, which were agreed by the Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels’ Safety (SLF), when it met for its 53rd session in January. The Committee will also consider draft amendments to update the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, developed by SLF.
The SLF Sub-Committee noted a clear indication from delegations to recommend that the preferred option would be for the adoption of the proposed draft Agreement on the implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, which would include amendments to certain requirements of the Protocol. Following this, countries could consider implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement (countries should give effect to the provisions of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol under the terms of the Agreement, when they deposit an instrument of ratification). The Agreement would be a new legally binding instrument, offering a firm foundation to implement the amended Torremolinos Protocol.
The second option for achieving entry into force of the Protocol would be an Assembly resolution on the implementation of the 1993 Torremolinos Protocol, under which Parties would be able to implement the necessary amendments immediately after the entry into force of the current Torremolinos Protocol, even before the formal adoption of the amendments.
Following the decision of the MSC 89, the final instrument(s) could be adopted at the Assembly, in late 2011, or by a diplomatic conference.
Future work to implement goal-based standards to be considered
The MSC will monitor the progress made with the implementation of the International Goal-based Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, which were adopted at its 87th session, along with the associated amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 making their application mandatory, as well as verification guidelines and the ship construction file. The Committee will also discuss its future work in the matter, including the completion of generic guidelines for developing goal-based standards.
LRIT status to be updated
The MSC will be updated on developments in relation to the establishment and testing of LRIT Data Centres (DCs) and the operation of the LRIT system since its last session, including the results of the first modification testing phase and the operation of an Information Distribution Facility (IDF) for the provision of flag State LRIT information to security forces operating in waters off the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean. The MSC will also consider the transfer of operations of the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) from the temporary facility in the United States to the permanent facility at the European Maritime Safety Agency in Portugal. Also under consideration will be the performance review and audit reports of the IDE and DCs submitted by the International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO), as the LRIT coordinator, together with its findings and recommendations; and issues concerning the long-term operational and financial viability of the LRIT system.
STCW Convention: independent evaluations to be considered
The list of Parties deemed to be giving full and complete effect to the provisions of the STCW Convention, as amended, is expected to be updated when the Secretary-General submits his report on those countries whose independent evaluations have been completed since the previous MSC meeting.
Implementation of mandatory IMO audit scheme
STCW Convention: independent evaluations to be considered
The list of Parties deemed to be giving full and complete effect to the provisions of the STCW Convention, as amended, is expected to be updated when the Secretary-General submits his report on those countries whose independent evaluations have been completed since the previous MSC meeting.
Implementation of mandatory IMO audit scheme
Following significant progress made by the Sub-Committee on Flag State Implementation (FSI) towards making the Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme mandatory, the MSC will be invited to consider approving the proposed draft IMO Instruments Implementation Code (IIIC), which would be the proposed new title for the mandatory version of the current Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments. The draft code will also be forwarded for consideration and approval by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), and then to the Assembly, for adoption at an appropriate future session.
Development of the draft Code for Recognized Organizations (ROs)
The MSC will be invited to provide further guidance to the FSI Sub-Committee on the development of the proposed new Code for Recognized Organizations (ROs), which would provide a consolidated instrument containing criteria against which recognized organizations (which may be authorized by flag States to carry out surveys and issue certificates on their behalf) are assessed and authorized/recognized, and give guidance for subsequent monitoring of ROs by Administrations.
Draft Assembly resolutions
Development of the draft Code for Recognized Organizations (ROs)
The MSC will be invited to provide further guidance to the FSI Sub-Committee on the development of the proposed new Code for Recognized Organizations (ROs), which would provide a consolidated instrument containing criteria against which recognized organizations (which may be authorized by flag States to carry out surveys and issue certificates on their behalf) are assessed and authorized/recognized, and give guidance for subsequent monitoring of ROs by Administrations.
Draft Assembly resolutions
The MSC will also be invited to approve, for submission to the IMO Assembly in November 2011:
• the draft Revised Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships;
• the new draft International Code on Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code);
• the draft Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), revising and updating the original code adopted in 1973;
• the draft Revised procedures for Port State Control;
• the draft revised Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2011, which include references to relevant amendments to statutory instruments entering into force up to and including 31 December 2011; and
• the draft revised and updated (non-mandatory) Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments, to include the requirements deriving from amendments to relevant IMO mandatory instruments that will enter into force up to and including 1 July 2012.
Other issues
• the draft Revised Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships;
• the new draft International Code on Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code);
• the draft Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), revising and updating the original code adopted in 1973;
• the draft Revised procedures for Port State Control;
• the draft revised Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 2011, which include references to relevant amendments to statutory instruments entering into force up to and including 31 December 2011; and
• the draft revised and updated (non-mandatory) Code for the implementation of mandatory IMO instruments, to include the requirements deriving from amendments to relevant IMO mandatory instruments that will enter into force up to and including 1 July 2012.
Other issues
In connection with other issues arising from the reports of IMO Sub-Committees and other bodies, the MSC will be invited to:
• Adopt draft amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), to revise individual schedules for a number of cargoes;
• Adopt draft amendments to Part B of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) relating to application of the 2009 MODU Code for Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU Code);
• Approve draft Guidelines on tank entry for tankers using nitrogen as an inerting medium; and
• Approve draft amendments to update the IMO/International Labour Organization (ILO)/ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (CTUs), to be forwarded to ILO and the UNECE for concurrent endorsement.
• Adopt draft amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC), to revise individual schedules for a number of cargoes;
• Adopt draft amendments to Part B of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code) relating to application of the 2009 MODU Code for Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU Code);
• Approve draft Guidelines on tank entry for tankers using nitrogen as an inerting medium; and
• Approve draft amendments to update the IMO/International Labour Organization (ILO)/ United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (CTUs), to be forwarded to ILO and the UNECE for concurrent endorsement.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
Web site: www.imo.org
Web site: www.imo.org
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